The Roper Law Firm


In federal court, the rules for out-of-state counsel's participation vary from district to district.

For out-of-state counsel looking to appear in federal court in Georgia, the local rules require, first and foremost, permission to practice pro hac vice.

Collaborating with local counsel needn't be a headache-inducing task. With the right local counsel, out-of-state counsel gets a valuable resource and a teammate. And—most importantly—the client gets more efficient service and a better chance at a desired outcome.

Local rules of federal courts in Georgia

Across Georgia's three federal districts, the rules are similar. The key point is that, with limited exceptions, only attorneys who are admitted to (and in good standing with) the Georgia State Bar are eligible for admission. That said, an out-of-state attorney wishing to represent a client in federal court in Georgia can do so under certain circumstances. A party is represented only by counsel not a member of the bar of this court, such counsel must designate some willing member of the local bar of this court upon whom motions and papers may be served and who will be designated as local counsel.

Local counsel must file the application for admission pro hac vice and must verify the bar admission status of the attorney being sponsored for admission. The address, telephone number, email address, and written consent of local counsel must be filed with the application. Local counsel must authorize and sign all pleadings and other papers filed in the case by the attorney appearing pro hac vice. Accordingly, local counsel is subject to Fed. R. Civ. P. 11.

Once local counsel is on board and out-of-state counsel has noticed his appearance or been admitted pro hac vice, it is required that local counsel review and sign all pleadings and papers to ensure compliance with the local rules. In short, the federal courts in Georgia expect substantive involvement by local counsel—so it makes sense to partner with someone capable, experienced, and reputable.

Choosing the right local counsel

One of the primary benefits of local counsel, and part of the courts' rationale for requiring local counsel, is that local attorneys should have a thorough understanding of local rules of procedure and practice. Teaming up with an attorney who understands local procedures and has experience with the local practices will help out-of-state counsel avoid pitfalls and will streamline efforts, saving time and money in the process.

Additionally, out-of-state counsel (and clients) benefit from partnering with an attorney who is skilled in legal research, writing, and editing. Since the Northern and Middle Districts require local counsel to review and sign all filings, it is important for out-of-state counsel to have confidence in his local counsel's written advocacy. And it is to out-of-state counsel's advantage to choose local counsel who has courtroom experience. Local counsel's familiarity with the courtroom and courtroom procedures can set out-of-state counsel at ease and allow him or her to get on with the important work of representing the client.

On top of this, out-of-state counsel's clients are best served when local counsel has relationships with, and a good reputation among, other attorneys in the community. Relationships with opposing counsel are important to resolving matters big and small: litigation will go more smoothly and is more likely to reach a quick resolution favorable to both sides when there is effective communication between opposing attorneys. Reducing time spent on motions and, ultimately, on reaching a resolution saves clients' money.

Why The Roper Law Firm?

John W. Roper regularly serves as local counsel and knows what it takes to be an effective teammate. He regularly practices in the Middle and Northern Districts of Georgia, as well as all state courts of Georgia and he is familiar with local procedures and practices. We also have extensive research and writing skills (including in-house research and writing resources) and a long history of courtroom experience. What's more, though he now focuses on wage and hour cases and matters involving federal and state consumer protection representation, he has previously practiced in nearly all areas of law and readily shares his experience to best serve clients. As a longtime member of Georgia's legal community, Mr. Roper has effective relationships with and a solid reputation among attorneys and judges across the state in his principal focus areas.

At bedrock, the federal courts in Georgia expect meaningful participation by local counsel. By choosing The Roper Law Firm as local counsel, out-of-state counsel can leverage this requirement to their and their clients' advantage, and benefit from the superior knowledge, experience, and skill the firm brings to the table.